The Unique and Extraordinary Benefits of I AM Yoga: A Meditation-Based Practice

I AM Yoga, unlike many forms of yoga practiced primarily as a physical discipline, integrates meditation deeply into its core, offering profound mental, emotional, and spiritual benefits. While traditional yoga often emphasizes physical postures (asanas) and their...

Breaking Free from the Ego Mind’s Self-Deception: A Path to Liberation

By Gurudev Shri Amritji February 24, 2024 The transformative potential of I Am Yoga extends beyond physical health to encompass mental, emotional, and spiritual wellness. It emphasizes the journey from ego-driven perception to a unified experience of the present,...

When You Change Your Relationship With Yourself, Your Relationship With The Outer World Changes With You

Most people do not know that their relationship with their partner is mirroring the relationship they have with themselves. This relationship between you and yourself is built in the form of reactively built energy blocks in your feeling body in the form of attraction...
Why Should We Meditate?

Why Should We Meditate?

In the ordinary waking state, every thought is charged by your emotional reactions. Every perception is distorted by your anticipation and expectation of what is present. So everything you perceive at any given moment is distorted by personal biases, fears and...

Conscious Prosperity

Prosperity cannot be measured by possessions. It can be measured only by who you are in the process of attaining them. Most people ignore what they do to themselves because they’re driven exclusively by what they think they want from the world or others. They cling to...

The Esoteric Depths of Yoga Nidra

Everything you can see, feel, and experience is made up of energy. All matter, all experiences, all sensations, all life-giving and autonomic functions are carried out through energy’s innate intelligence in accordance with universal law. This means that the same...

Replenish and Re-energize with Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra is a practice that can help replenish and re-energize our systems in real time, helping to offset the inherent risks associated with chronic, long-term stress accumulation. Not all stress is bad and can be as simple as a demand on the system that propels us...

Stress & Stress-Related Symptoms

Unchecked chronic stress eventually creates the appropriate conditions for stress-related imbalances to show up in various forms, often in clusters such as anxiety and insomnia, chronic pain and immune disorders, digestive problems and brain fog. We know these...

Where physical flexibility ends, physical, mental, and emotional balance and peace of mind begins. Western yoga will survive the ebb from the first wave of popularity if it matures and evolves by returning to its roots in the East.

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Balance Your Energy With Hatha Yoga

Anatomy of Energy The energy system of the body consists of the chakras and in the center of the chakras there is a central channel called the Shushumna. There are 2 sides of this energy system called Pingala and Ida and when they are in balance the energy moves to...