I AM Yoga®

Advanced Teacher Training

A Yoga Alliance® Accredited Certification Course

Aspiring yoga teachers and practitioners from all traditions welcome, designed to reveal an inner spiritual depth of postures often unrecognized in popular practice today. We distinctly combine each yoga pose with inward focus and meditative awareness, experientially merging the physical benefits of Hatha Yoga with the meditative depths of Raja Yoga.

Integrative Amrit Method

Advanced I AM Yoga® Training

An Experience of Meditation in Motion™

Discover the next evolution of what you have studied and practiced in I AM Yoga® already. Our Advanced I AM Yoga® Teacher Training is a natural evolution for dedicated practitioners who have experienced profound shifts in life and are ready for new depths. Yogis with 200-Hour Certifications from other traditions are also welcome!

For Teachers from Other Yoga Schools

Everything you need to know about Yoga Teacher Traning with us.

If you received a 200 hour yoga teacher certification from other traditions we require completion of the

Posture of Consciousness Intensive Online Course

in order to receive certification credit for I AM Yoga® Advanced Training. Additionally, you must complete

This simple application form here…

Our Yoga Training Format

All of our core trainings can be taken in 2 parts. Immersion & Certification

Immersion Retreat

A complete transformational program in itself that can be taken as a stand-alone program. You will acquire skills for life-mastery and gain an understanding of ancient yogic philosophy. Our experience-oriented teaching methods will leave you with practical tools to balance your life and prepared for further study or certification.

Home Study

Between Immersion and Certification you will take what you learned and bring it home to start practicing on your own—developing the necessary discipline and independence to make this a lasting part of your skill set. You will practice guiding IAM Yoga sessions, and complete other take-home assignments which will be crucial to your success in the certification portion of your training.

Certification Course

Our small group format ensures individualized attention from world-class teachers. You will learn professional facilitation skills to customize, adjust or modify techniques for students, add themes to classes, and learn workshop formats. Leave with new credentials from a world-renowned yoga institute to kickstart new career opportunities!

Be The Light

We have lots of resources to keep you inspired and connected through our YouTube or Facebook pages, that include video recordings and live broadcasts of our teachings! Embody what you teach and empower your students to do the same! We provide all the support and continuing education opportunities you need to make this a last part of your life and career. 

Yoga Teacher Training FAQs

Everything you need to know about Yoga Teacher Traning with us.

Do you I need to do both parts?

You can do just the Immersion if you want to go deeper into the practice, but do not want to be certified to teach. Participation in the Immersion is required before going on to Certification. Successful completion of both the Immersion and Certification is a requirement to become certified to teach.

Is this Yoga Alliance Certified?

This 200-hour training is in compliance with Yoga Alliance standards. As an Amrit Yoga Teacher, you are eligible to become a member of Yoga Alliance.

Learn more

What does tuition include?

Your tuition includes all training sessions and the I AM Yoga® training manual. The balance of your tuition payment must be paid in full prior to the program’s start date unless otherwise arranged.

What are the certification requirements?

Upon successful completion of I AM Yoga Teacher Training, which includes payment in full, attendance in all classes and fulfillment of all assignments, you will receive a Certificate of Completion from the Amrit Yoga Institute, attesting to your competency and entitling you to teach as an I AM Yoga® instructor.

Unless otherwise arranged with program directors, Level I certification is a prerequisite for admission to Level II and other advanced Amrit Yoga Training programs.

What is the schedule like?

The schedule for your program is listed on the registration page. Our programs are a combination of guided experiential practices, lectures, group discussion, partner work, personal study, and reflection. In the schedule, you will see listed breaks and we also have time for shorter breaks that are built into our sessions.

What should I do to prepare?

Order Your Training Materials– available at www.amritkala.com

  • Amrit Yoga: Explore, Expand & Experience the Spiritual Dimension of Yoga
  • Amrit Yoga & the Yoga Sutras
  • I AM Yoga® Level 1 Sequence Chart
  • I AM Yoga® Level 1 Sequence Flash Cards
  • I AM Yoga® Level 1 Sequence DVD, CD or MP3

Save On Required Materials 

Suggested Pre-Training Assignments

      • Read the books on the required reading list
      • Practice the I AM Yoga® Level 1 Sequence regularly