Patanjali and I Am Yoga® | A Synthesis for Oneness

More people than ever before are ready for a spiritual dimension and depth to the practice of yoga. This is reflected dramatically in the changing themes of today’s books, magazines, professional journals, popular seminars and many systems of personal growth,...

Where physical flexibility ends, physical, mental, and emotional balance and peace of mind begins. Western yoga will survive the ebb from the first wave of popularity if it matures and evolves by returning to its roots in the East.

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Balance Your Energy With Hatha Yoga

Balance Your Energy With Hatha Yoga

Anatomy of Energy The energy system of the body consists of the chakras and in the center of the chakras there is a central channel called the Shushumna. There are 2 sides of this energy system called Pingala and Ida and when they are in balance the energy moves to...
3 Yoga Poses for Anxiety Relief

3 Yoga Poses for Anxiety Relief

Yoga is not just good for your body. Every time you practice yoga, you are building your immunity to anxiety and stress. Here are the 3 best yoga poses for anxiety relief.