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General Donations
We are a small team doing big work. Your contribution sustains daily operations, enhances online learning, and maintains our serene campus.
Technology & Web
Technology solutions for best online learning & streaming
Grounds & Maintenance
Help support the management of our existing campus & grounds
Wherever It’s Needed Most
Our day-to-day operations & anything unexpected
The Amrit Yoga Institute is a 501-c3 non-profit and your gift may qualify as a charitable deduction for federal income tax purposes.
Thank you to our latest donors!
“We are a global community dedicated to embodying and transmitting the authentic wisdom and experience of yoga to further the evolution of humanity.”
Kristen Johnson
Thank you for Sunday Darshan & Meditation
Brian Fleck
Padma Michelle Geing
Kate Heid
Thank you
Rick Kalamar
Thanks for the nice room on 10/17
Tamara Davidson
Joyce Olmsted
Thanks for your grace.
Tamara Davidson
Thank you !
Bewketu Kassa
Gurudev's Darshan on May 26th, 2024
Dawn Thomas
May 26th Darshan