Where physical flexibility ends, physical, mental, and emotional balance and peace of mind begins. Western yoga will survive the ebb from the first wave of popularity if it matures and evolves by returning to its roots in the East.

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Change is not just the force of destruction but also the force of creation. Underlying the forces of opposites is the integration that is inherent in change. Change has neither ups nor downs. It is neither good nor bad, neither right nor wrong. All opposites become one through change.

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Your ego, is constantly creating and re-entertaining your pre-programmed perceptions of the past. This impedes the flow of energy throughout the chakras, and deprives the body of the self-healing, self-balancing power of prana.

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Yoga Nidra is the marriage of science and spirit- a transformative technique whose powerful healing qualities transcend all aspects of your being.

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As long as you judge yourself, you believe you are that. As long as you judge people, you are believing that is who you are. Judging yourself manifests in the judgment of other people. There is no difference.

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