Prana Awakening: Experience the Power of Energetic Transmission

by | May 15, 2019 | The Guru's Blog

For the past fifty-three years, Yogi Amrit Desai has been totally dedicated to awakening the power of spirit and the flowering of divinity that dwells within all beings. He embodies the rare capacity to impart the ancient secrets of energetic transmission. Is teachings reveal the mystical practices of connecting to the Source of sacred energy (also known as prana or chi), commonly used in Pranic Healing. Reiki and psychic healing, etc. This transmission will empower you to connect to the infinite source of healing energy within, to heal yourself as well as help others.   

Yogi Amrit Desai is a Master. His presence acts as a catalytic agent to ignite the life force within you. The intensity of the energy that flows through him is so palpable, it fills an entire room. He does not claim to be the Source of the energy; rather he reveals that it already lies hidden within each of us.  

When energy is created, energy is transmitted. Faith that is commonly perceived to be the medium for healing and transformation is replaced by synergistic transmission. Such an experience can only be transmitted energetically by a Master who has experience and embodied this communion directly. This is the difference between a teacher and a Master. 

How will this experience enhance the quality of my life?

In the Prana Awakening or Sadhana of Prana course you will be guided to enter the experience of inner peace, tranquility and stillness. This will allow you to be open and receptive to enter the synergistic, cosmic energy field that manifests between the giver and receiver. It will open the door to the infinite Source of power of healing and transformation that dwells within you. 

This experience can provide new possibilities and potentials to: 

  • Produce powerful, transformative shifts on physical, mental and emotional levels. 
  • Experience a paradigm shift that will be mirrored in all your relationships. 
  • Heal unresolved conflicts of the past and live in the present. 
  • Reconcile old traumas and hurts. 
  • Dissolve mental and emotional disturbances and self-destructive habit patterns. 
  • Practice Integrative Amrit Methods (IAM techniques) to easily dismantle reactions that resolve both inner and outer conflicts. 

Transmission flows when synergy is created between the receiver and the giver. When a master enters the cosmic energy field, those who are open and receptive naturally and easily merge into it. This integrated and unified state of Oneness cannot be accessed intellectually, conceptually or by studying spiritual books. This mysterious, energetic phenomenon happens beyond the mind on a superconscious, non-linear dimension. The transmission is a quantum leap from the time-bound ego-mind to the subtler, more refined domain of divine love. 

This transmission of energy releases and awakens the healing, dormant power of your life force trapped in the unconscious habits and behavior patterns of your personality, your self-image and initiates powerful healing processes from within. Its effects can initiate a clearing of blocked energy on physical, mental and emotional levels which can be accompanied with blissful experiences as well as the release of old, hurtful traumas.  

Deeper energetic levels of awakening: 

  • Promote emotional clearing, 
  • Revitalizes your body’s immune system and optimizes neuroglandular functions,  
  • Opens clogged meridians and initiates a healing energy flow; 
  • Releases subtle energy blocks manifesting as muscular tensions and emotional reactions,  
  • Accelerates the chakra system’s restorative, regenerative, self-healing processes. 

Past participants have frequently reported that this is the first time they have entered such inner depths of relaxation and experienced an intimate relationship with the power of the spiritual life force within. 

As you become infused with the energy, your Presence will attract everything that you are looking for and life will begin to manifest the miracles of synchronicity. Synchronicity is beyond the mind. It is amplified consciousness acting from a larger perspective and orchestrated by Source. 

Continued practice and commitment are necessary to sustain and deepen the energetic impact of transmission. Although transmission plants the seed of consciousness, it needs to be nurtured through dedicated practice with a devotional heart for perpetual growth and spiritual unfoldment. This will continue to deepen the impact of the transmission you receive. The more often you enter this sacred zone, the more radiant life force will flow through you. Everything you have been looking for all of your life, including health, happiness, love and peace, will begin to manifest spontaneously. 

The Integrative Amrit Methods (IAM) such as I AM Yoga®I AM Yoga Nidra™, I AM Yoga Therapy™ and I AM Wellness™ programs will help you to deepen your connection to the Source of the Divine within.  

Just as the fragrance of a flower spontaneously spreads everywhere as it blooms, when your energetic Presence blossoms, its love and light radiate everywhere you go and encompasses everything you do and everyone you are with. You embody the power of Presence and become an emissary of love and light to the world. 

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