The I AM Yoga Nidra™ Online Quality Assurance Agreement

Let’s Create this Together! To support and optimize the best I AM Yoga Nidra™ experiences from our teachers, we have outlined helpful guidelines regarding how to skillfully deliver and place an I AM Yoga Nidra™ facilitation online, in audio products and video platforms.

The more we all use the I AM Yoga Nidra™ name and ensure quality, the more we all benefit. Acknowledging the source of the materials is not only a point of integrity, it builds your credibility! Together we can help make I AM Yoga Nidra known widely and accessible to everyone.

Permitted Use Agreement – Purpose

The Amrit Yoga Foundation, Inc. understands that the use of online advertising, promotion, and/or media plays a vital role in spreading its teachings and sincerely wishes to empower it’s I AM Yoga Nidra™ graduates to share the teachings widely. These guidelines are enacted to ensure quality standard(s), consistency across all platforms, and to enthuse facilitators to deliver the optimal experience to viewers/listeners.

Permitted Use Agreement – Guidelines

I agree to adhere to the following prescribed standards and guidelines regarding online video/audio Yoga Nidra facilitation(s), which will apply to all present and future facilitations:
(a) Be a Certified Amrit Method Yoga Nidra Facilitator in Good-standing.
(b) Quality of instruction should meet the standards regarding Energetic Congruence, Use of Pauses/Spacing, and the Pace of Delivery (See below for the full list of guidelines)
(c) Audio products:
  • Presence of the Amrit Yoga Institute’s provided Logo/Mark on website and/or album cover (front or back).
  • If promoting on website, a mention and link to AYI website is also appreciated.
  • Begin recording with “Welcome to the IAM (Integrative Amrit Method of Yoga Nidra.” If you are using mixed modalities, let us know and we will work with you on this.
  • We recommend you use the statement somewhere, “recorded and uploaded with the permission of the Amrit Yoga Foundation” once you have been approved and receive your permission letter. This lets people know you are in copyright compliance.
(d) Video/YouTube:
  • Begin recording with “Welcome to the IAM Yoga Nidra” or “Welcome to the Integrative Amrit Method of Yoga Nidra.” If you are using mixed modalities, let us know and we will work with you on this.